
Should you Fill in Your Pool?

Should you fill in your underground pool?

There’s on thing that will destroy a homes resell value, and unsightly pool. Whether you bought a house and stopped maintaining your pool because of the exorbitant costs with it. Or you just are tired of paying the extra cost of your homeowners insurance. A pool without water is an extreme danger for neighborhood kids. This can cause you to spend hundreds in extra homeowner’s insurance if they will even insure you. We have heard horror stories of insurance companies dropping customers because of their neglected pool.


Pools are expensive, the average cost of maintaining a pool is $1200- $1800 for basic upkeep. With utilities and repairs the cost can be as high as $4000 per year or more. Many times we see couples that have not used their pool since their kids left and just want more yard space and to get ready for retirement. Filing in your pool may be the most cost effective option. It will relieve the stress and free up some hard earned cash.

You can save the money on upkeep and insurance and have the demo paid for within the year.

How much does it cost to fill in your underground pool?

Costs can range from $3000 to as high as $15000 depending on the specifics and size.

What to expect when a contractor fills in your pool?

Demo stage- this stage can will likely determine the primary cost of your project. Depending on what type of pool you have Determines how hard it will be to tear out and remove. We have seen some older pools that were poured in concrete and was so hard we broke our jack hammer 4 times.

There are two options here we can completely removed the pool or cave it in a bury it. One major factor here is you will have settling of the soil for a few years to come and you should prepare for a possible sink hole if you do not remove the pool in it’s entirety.

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