New Sod Care Guide

New Sod Care Guide

Congratulations on your new sod lawn from Barber Landscaping and Lawn Care! To help your sod establish into a lush, healthy lawn, it’s crucial to follow proper care guidelines, especially in the first few weeks. This guide provides essential tips and practices for the care of new sod, ensuring the best outcomes for your green investment.

Immediate Care Post-Installation

  • Watering: We begin watering your new sod within 30 minutes of installation. For the first week, keep the sod and the soil beneath moist, watering at least twice a day for at least 20 minutes per session. Gradually reduce the frequency as the sod begins to establish.

*Watering is the most important factor in taking care of your new sod. If you are not watering an area enough you will see yellowing immediately water that area and adjust you irrigation if needed. 

  • First Mowing: Wait until your sod has rooted into the soil, typically 2-3 weeks after installation, before mowing for the first time. Ensure your mower blades are sharp, and do not remove more than one-third of the grass height. You can tell your sod is rooted by tugging on a piece of sod to see if it has stuck to the ground yet.

Watering Schedule

  • First 2 Weeks: Water the sod lightly but frequently to keep it moist, encouraging root growth into the underlying soil.
  • Weeks 3-4: Reduce watering to once a day, allowing the top inch of soil to dry out slightly between waterings to promote deeper root growth.
  • After 1 Month: Transition to watering your lawn deeply and less frequently, about 1-1.5 inches per week, depending on weather conditions, to encourage strong, deep root development.

Fertilization and Soil Health

  • Soil Testing: Consider performing a soil test to determine nutrient needs. Adjust the soil pH if necessary before sod installation.
  • Fertilization: Wait 4-6 weeks following installation before applying any fertilizer to avoid burning the young roots. Use a starter fertilizer that is high in phosphorus to encourage root growth.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

  • Traffic: Keep foot and pet traffic to a minimum for the first few weeks to prevent root damage and allow the sod to establish. Try to keep pets off the new sod to make sure they don’t urinate on it.
  • Weeds: Hand-pull any weeds that appear. Avoid using herbicides until the lawn is well established.
  • Pests and Diseases: Monitor for signs of pests and diseases. Early detection and treatment are key to preventing damage. Your yard will likely develop weeds without the use of pre-emergent. This is normal and expected and you will need to treat the lawn once it has established healthy roots to prevent weeds further. New sod is both exciting and scary. Installing new sod is a large investment of time and resources, and a desire for a beautiful lawn and low weed presence is understandable. The most important thing is root formation in the soil beneath it. Since most pre-emergent weed control products stop root formation, avoid this treatment during the establishment period.



Seasonal Care

  • Summer: Ensure adequate watering to prevent drying out, especially during hot, dry spells.
  • Winter: If installed in late fall, minimize watering and protect the sod from freezing temperatures if necessary.

At Barber Landscaping and Lawn Care, we’re committed to helping you enjoy a vibrant, healthy lawn for years to come. If you have any questions or need further assistance with your new sod care, please contact us at 678-684-9084. Together, let’s cultivate the perfect outdoor space for you and your family!