
Pine Straw vs. Mulch Pros and Cons of Each

Is there a better product or do both pine straw and mulch have the own strengths that you can use to your advantage? Let’s dive into the pros and cons of Pine straw vs. mulch. Pine straw and Mulch not only create great curb appeal for your home but also boost the nutrient content of your flower beds. Both options add organic matter/compost to your soil that helps to make plants more resistant to pest and disease while providing valuable  nutrients and biomass. They also help to retain moisture to plant roots and help to regulate soil temperatures.

Pine Straw Pros

  • Protects the roots systems of shrubs and plants from harsh temperature swings
  • Great for erosion control and sticking to hillsides.
  • easy to spread
  • more affordable
  • reduces weed growth

Mulch Pros

  • More color options
  • reduces weed growth
  • as it decomposes it builds rich soil
  • insulates plants from temperature swings
  • less insects

Pine Straw Cons

  • creates more acidic soil
  • slippery to walk on slopes
  • more insects

Mulch Cons

  • Higher cost
  • harder to install
  • can wash away on slopes
  • pets like to eat it

Pine Straw Vs. Mulch Verdict

Mulch and pine straw have their pros and cons based on their particular use. Pine straw is less expensive to cover a specific area but can become an eyesore when it isn’t maintained. Whereas mulch contains more nutrients for the soil but tends to wash away and requires more attention to eliminate weeds. If you are installing yourself I would recommend pine straw, it is light and easier to carry. Mulch requires the use of wheel barrows and can be a considerable workout installing it.

Barber Landscaping offers both Mulch Installation and Pine Straw Installation 

To purchase from our sister company check out Cumming Pine Straw

If you are interested in a quote or need some advice, give Barber Landscaping a call!

longleaf pinestraw cumming ga
Pine Straw Cumming, Milton, Alpharetta, Johns Creek



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